CT-Moves (Under construction)

Sponsors for this event; Efficacy, Students for Sensible Drug Policy, CT Green Party, CT Global Action Network, Student Legal Action Movement, Greater Hartford African American Alliance, People Against Injustice and Critical Resistance.

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Anita Seth and crowd listen to the rally's leader, 'Adam Hurter' as he introduces today's speakers, officially starting the rally and march.
Speaker Mary Barr, (Author/lecturer) tells the crowd of her own experiences of incarceration, the traumatic increase of women/mothers in prison and the overburdening/inappropriateness of the foster care system. (www.speakaboutit.com )
Ten minuets into the march, and all is going well. Many thanks to the Hartford Police escort throughout the complete 2 mile march.
The marchers on the return portion of their loop, passing the Hartford Civic Center heading down and around Bushnell Park.
Young and old, they chant on; "No More Prisons," and "Stop the Failing Drug War!"
Now its up the hill to the State Capitol Building where more speakers will provide the marchers with additional information of the injustices taking place in Connecticut and the rest of the country.
Finally, the marchers arrive at the doors of the State Capitol Building.
New Haven Alderman Jelani Lawson, informs us of more positive actions to be taken concerning alternatives to incarceration and drug treatment for nonviolent family members of Connecticut's communities.
Cliff Thornton, co-founder of Efficacy, discusses his research and analysis of the failed drug war, costly nonviolent criminal incarceration and failing social structure of Connecticut's communities.
Channel 3 was there all day, their cameraman interviews Cliff (and others) at the end of today's activities for the evening news.
          NOTICE: If anyone has digital recordings of the speakers, we would like to include audio clips of each. Please contact: efficacy@msn.com